Packaging and Merchandising Design -Final Compilation

Week 1 - Week 14 (25/04/2024 - 25/07/2024)
Lee Jia Rou 0364251
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
MER 60104/ Packaging and Merchandising Design
Final Compilation


Task 1: Exercises
Project 1: Box Making
Project 2: Innovative Packaging (Collaboration project with School of Biosciences)
Final Project: Merchandise and Promotional Strategy

Task 1: Exercises
Week 1 - Week 4 (25.04.2024 - 16.06.2024)

1) Hi Top Tea (box)

Highland India is where Enrico sources his Hi Top teas. Just tender leaves are chosen for these meticulously chosen teas. "Cutting," "turning," and "curling," among other "CTC" methods, are then used to prepare the tea leaves.

Product Analysis
This Hi Top tea packaging was the first poorly designed package I selected because I felt the front page's green pattern made it difficult for me to read the writing on it and made it difficult for me to tell what product it was when I first saw the packaging. Additionally, I believe the tea garden pattern on the green backdrop pattern should have been simplified by the designer, but it is hard to tell what pattern is on this package.Even though I was able to identify this was a bag of tea right away, I didn't instantly recognise what kind of tea it was until I came across an updated version of the package design that had a better backdrop image. In order to see additional information, I had to turn to the side of the box. 

Market Research
The package's phrases tell us that there are two languages: Malay and English. Additionally, the packaging has the hala logo, which indicates that the target audience for this product is likely to be the Malay community or the Malaysian market. The patterns, colours, and other elements of this packaging design, however, are not focused on appealing to young people's aesthetics. Although I believe that the intended audience should be a little older, I find it difficult to read the content on the box because of the small, thick type. Not to mention those elderly people.

Competitor Analysis

Lipton is the first tea brand that springs to me when I come across tea because of its beautiful packaging. When I buy tea , the colour of the container draws my attention and also reminds the bright colour of the tea leaves when brewed. The packing box features a white gradient effect in the centre to reflect sunlight, and a company logo on the front. Since this is a British company and most British people start their day with a cup of tea in the morning, I believe this is an excellent design.

2) soya drinks powder (plastic package)

The plant bio soy milk produced by BHC Health Sdn Bhd is a source of natural health foods, organic foods, and dietary supplements. Since its founding in 2010, BNC has worked to advance the idea of healthy eating by fusing functional foods with basic nutrition to support natural therapy and encourage self-health, eventually assisting the public's physical and emotional well-being.

Product Analysis
This Planet Bio Soy Milk plastic package is the one I went with. The fact that the soy milk powder is only placed in a foil bag and that the information is put on a sticker rather than being beautifully designed leads me to believe that this packaging is pretty straightforward. The label makes it clear that it is cholesterol-free, has no added sugar, and is made with a formula that substitutes for milk. You can see that this is a nutritious beverage produced with soy milk that is high in calcium.

Market Research
The beverages that are appropriate for infants older than one year old, young adults, and even the elderly are listed at the bottom of the sticker.

Competitor Analysis

The packaging design of Homesoy makes it evident to customers what kind of product it is. The product's weight and the fact that organic beans were used are prominently displayed on the front of the packaging. The packaging's colour is distinctly soy milk-related. The optimal brewing method nutritional data for the soy milk component, the manufacturing location, the barcode, and the best before date are all listed on the package's back.

3) perfume (glass bottle) 

This perfume is from Che La Verne, a premium quality perfume form Paris at affordable price with 60+scents choice.

Product Analysis
There is a glass bottle for this scent. Stickers with information are affixed to the glass bottles. The product's capacity, perfume series, and brand emblem are shown on the front of the packaging. The packaging has a product number on the rear side. The product comes mostly in black and white with gold accents. I believe there is too much information displayed on the sticker located on the cover. The sticker's content, which contains the brand name, product series, logo, and product capacity, prevents viewers from concentrating on the most important details when they view this package.

Market Research
The target group of the product is to allow consumers to buy different types of perfumes at reasonable prices.

Competitor Analysis

It's a glass perfume bottle as well. Only unique substance paper is used to print the brand emblem on the front of Celine's perfume. The bottom of the box displays all product information, guaranteeing its neatness and highlighting the product's upscale appearance.

4) toner (plastic bottle) 

This is a face toner by RONAS Co., Ltd. is a popular Korean skincare brands that manufacture and supply a large selection of skincare products including vitamin c serum, toner etc.

Product Analysis
Due to the transparency of the toner, this package has an opaque off-white colour. To view the contents within, enough sunshine must be present. Product function and brand are listed on the front of the packaging; the product category name is missing. Verify if it is a toner and go over the information on the back before making a purchase. Nevertheless, only translation software may be used to decipher the Korean text on the reverse.

Market Research
When checking the information content, we can find that the language is all Korean, and we can judge that it is sold in mainland Korea. The product has a large capacity, so it can be judged that the people buying it are people who love to take care of their skin.

Competitor Analysis

In my opinion, The Ordinary has the greatest skin care product package design when compared to others. This is because the product's transparent bottle allows you to immediately see the colour and quantity of the product, as well as if it has degraded over time. Customers can easily grasp the broad contents of the goods since the brand name is prominently placed on the front of the packaging, followed by the product name and functions. The product's raw components are listed on the packaging's reverse side. The product's text size is too huge. Once the can is opened, the product's optimal use-by date has reached.

Project 1: Box Making
Week 5 - Week 7 (23.05.2024 - 06.06.2024)

Fig. 2.1 comb sketch
Fig. 2.2 goggle sketch
Fig 2.3 comb box folding 
Fig 2.4 comb box folding 
Fig 2.5 comb box folding 3
Fig 2.6 comb box folding 4
Fig 2.7 goggle box folding 1
Fig 2.8 goggle box folding 2
Fig 2.9 goggle box folding 3
Fig 2.10 goggle box folding 4

Project 2: Innovative Packaging 
(Collaboration project with School of Biosciences)
Week 4 - Week 10 (23.05.2024 - 06.06.2024)

Fig 3.1 Presentation Slides PDF
Fig 3.2 Label JPEG
Fig 3.2 Label size  JPEG
Fig 3.3 Packaging Mockup- side
Fig 3.4 Packaging Mockup- back
Fig 3.5 Packaging Mockup- front
Fig 3.6 Polygram

Final Project: Merchandise and Promotional Strategy
 Week 10 - Week 15 (06.06.2024 - 01.08.2024)

Final Merchandise Designs
Fig 3.1 Final sticker Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.2 Final plate Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.3Final cooler bag Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.4 Final keychain Mockup , JPEG
Final Promotional Strategy
Fig 3.5 Final Freezer advertisement Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.6 Final Ig advertisement Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.7 Final Advertisement Mockup , JPEG
Fig 3.8 Final Freezer Mockup , JPEG


For me, this class was really illuminating. I'd always wondered how the packaging was made and what procedures the designers took to make their visions a reality before I accepted. My admiration for the many kinds of packaging I come across on a daily basis has grown as a result of this experience, and I am now more conscious of the ingenuity and labour that go into making them.

My observations and analyses of current packaging served as a major source of inspiration for this class. My understanding of how various designs functioned has greatly benefited from this firsthand investigation. By breaking down different packages, I've made great progress. In a subtle but significant way, I am able to pinpoint the components that contribute to each project's effectiveness and uniqueness. This example demonstrates the significant influence that minute details may have on a packaging design's overall performance.

This module introduced me almost unlimited things. Both the theoretical material and the hands-on approach of designing patterns and shapes taught me a great deal. My thesis benefited greatly from the knowledge I acquired, which deepened my comprehension of a subject I had long been enthusiastic about. In addition to teaching me the technical aspects of packaging design, this seminar deepened my understanding of the creativity and planning that go into the work. I'm excited about the chance to learn more about a subject that has long piqued my curiosity.