Packaging and Merchandising Design-Final Project

Week 10 - Week 14 (27/06/2024 - 25/07/2024)
Lee Jia Rou 0363293
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
MER 60104/ Packaging and Merchandising Design
Final Project / Merchandising & Promotional items


✧✧Final Project ✧✧
~below is the chosen packaging from the previous project. 

Choosing Merch & Display
Before I started designing items, I explored Pinterest and behance to better understand how they were designed.

Initially, I developed designs for four different items: cooler bags, stickers, bowls, and keychains. My goal is to create diverse products that effectively promote and represent our brand. However, after consulting Mr. Shamsul, I realized that we must also consider the promotion strategy of the product.

Mr. Shamsul pointed out that our products require refrigeration to maintain their quality and freshness. Therefore, this feedback prompted me to reconsider my initial choice as it became clear that promoting an item in a manner that could compromise its integrity was inconsistent with our brand values.

Merchandise Design

Keychain & Sticker

It is possible to pursue individuality and personalization. Capture their interest with keychains or small replicas of ingredients with a food-related theme. It's elegant, portable and can serve as a constant reminder of food promotions, especially those related to the brand.

Cooler bag

Since many stores now advocate for environmental conservation, the number of paper bags they stock has decreased. These days, a lot of individuals have to use eco-friendly bags. Using insulated bags is the ideal option because our products are frozen meals that must be kept for an extended period of time in low-temperature environments. Additionally, we provide insulated bags. able to recall and advertise our goods.


Interesting bowls with phrases or pictures connected to food are well-liked, especially when people are eating and want to subtly remind them of the company. It offers a practical product that is always accessible, environmentally friendly, and deftly incorporates the brand into daily life.

Promotional Strategy

Engaging with consumers is the main emphasis of Shroomful's promotional approach. Via an extensive array of out-of-store marketing campaigns intended to raise public knowledge and enthusiasm for our brands. This features colourful city banners positioned with purpose. In crowded areas, draw onlookers' attention and make an impression. To make sure that the younger generation sees our message, we should advertise on Instagram. By fostering stronger ties with our community and raising brand awareness, these programs hope to ignite a love and interest in vegan fish sheet odeng.


Design of urban product posters Shroomful's is a vibrant and captivating marketing technique meant to draw in health-conscious customers. This with its striking combination of vivid hues and contemporary design, the poster showcases the flavourful and inventive qualities of the company's plant-based vegan fish sheets. Placed strategically in busy metropolitan locations, this eye-catching poster promotes brand recognition and stimulates interest in product purchases.



Final Merchandise Designs

Fig 1.1 Final cooler bag Mockup , JPEG
Fig 1.2 Final plate Mockup , JPEG
Fig 1.2 Final sticker Mockup , JPEG
Fig 1.2 Final keychain Mockup , JPEG

Final Promotional Strategy

Fig 2.1 Final Advertisement Mockup , JPEG
Fig 2.2 Final Freezer Mockup , JPEG
Fig 2.3 Final Ig advertisement Mockup , JPEG
Fig 2.3 Final Freezer advertisement Mockup , JPEG

You can think of some promotion methods, such as digital advertising. The electronic advertising you make can also be used in IGadvertising.

This project allowed me to reconsider the design and make it more adaptable while including packaging components. It was based on completed work from a prior assignment. Finding what works and pushing oneself to be consistent at the same time may be enjoyable. Using this method, I was able to combine my creativity with the key components of earlier ideas to produce a unique and well-thought-out final product.

Once again, observation turned out to be a crucial component of the work. It was more difficult than I had anticipated to adapt an already-existing design into a new media. Every media calls for different concerns and methods of thinking. Nonetheless, I gained a lot of knowledge about how to modify designs for various formats by looking at a variety of designs. Seeing these examples gave me invaluable insights to direct my work and helped me comprehend the subtleties of design for various media.

I came to see how crucial it was to use the knowledge I gained from the Brand Corporate Design curriculum to this one. I have a strong basis for my job here thanks to the application of this information. I was able to expand on previously held ideas and deepen my comprehension by brainstorming and drawing connections between the two classes. I may experiment with different ideas and methods thanks to brainstorming, which guarantees that the designs I produce are original and grounded in the concepts I have studied.

✧✧Further Reading ✧✧

Sticker texture mockup

Acrylic texture keychain mockup