Publishing Design_Final Compilation & Reflection
23/04/2024 - 23/07/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Lee Jia Rou 0363293
GCD 61404 / Publishing Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection
Task 3(B): Ebook
Exercise 01 /Text Formatting
Fig 1.6 Classical Grid Structure
Fig 2.1 Visual Compilation /PDF
✧✧Final Submission✧✧
Task 1: Exercises | Week 1 - Week 7 (23.04.2024 - 04.06.2024)
Fig 1.1 Text formatting,PDF
Exercise 02/ Mock-up MakingFig 1.2 book size exploration, JPEG
Exercise 03/ Signature Folding Systems (8+8=16)
Fig 1.5 Folded Systems with inside
Exercise 04/Classical Grid Structure
Exercise 05/Determining Grids
Fig 1.7 Determining Grids 1
Fig 1.8 Determining Grids 2
Fig 1.9 Determining Grids 3
Task 2: Content Generation /Week 1 - Week 5 (23.04.2024 - 21.05.2024)
Fig 2.1 Visual Compilation /PDF
Task 3: Book | Week 4 - Week 8 (14.05.2024 - 11.06.2024)
Final Spreads
Fig 3.1 Final Spreads/PDFFlipHTML
flip book link:
Task 3(B): Ebook/ (Week 9 - Week 13) 18.06.2024 - 16.07.2024
Complete Thumbnail Layouts
Fig 3.2Final Thumbnails | PDF
Final Brand GuidelineInteractive Online Link: Link
Fig. 3.3 Final Bunny Haven Brand Guideline, Online Publishing
Fig. 3.4 Final Bunny Haven Brand Guideline, PDF Interactive
Overall, I would say that this module was a really positive experience, and the book assignments allowed me to study and put the information I learnt in the typography module to use. This module allowed me to reflect on my prior learning, take a step back, and produce something that I am pleased of. Additionally, Mr. Hijjaz and his staff were a big help with this module. He helped me get past my creative barriers and provided answers to my problems, which made the process go more smoothly and joyfully overall.
I wasn't expecting publication design to be anything more complicated than the typical book or newspaper design, but that was my extremely low expectation going into this semester. There are countless things you can accomplish inside a particular dimension, so it goes considerably beyond that. I first battled with this uneasy sensation as I had always acted safely, but when I discovered other people's online activities through various channels, I was able to attempt stepping outside of my comfort zone—a skill I sorely needed to acquire.
I found a lot of different approaches to complete the layout in this module. A basic grid system does not have to limit the options for the final product. I was therefore first dubious about my ability to consistently alter my preferred style. But anytime I feel stuck, Mr. Hijjaz's form and movement drills are a huge assistance.