Week 6 - Week 10 (29/05/2024 - 26/06/2024)
Lee Jia Rou 0363293
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 3/Positioning & Identity


Lectures 01 - 03 can be found here.
Lectures 04 & 05 can be found here.

Task 3  Brand Identity
Brand Positioning framework

I searched Pinterest for a variety of references throughout the week in order to get ideas for my brand application. In order to have a better knowledge of how previous designers have accomplished excellent design, I concentrated more on current café and nature-related designs for my advertising materials and settings.

Fig 1 framework Positioning & Identity

Logo Applications
  • Business Card
I started my application with a business card. After referring to some Pinterest business card designs, I learned that business cards need to contain personal name, position, brand name and logo, contact number, email, social media name, etc. In the previous task I had already decided on my brand colors, so when designing the business card I used colors, logos and information for layout.

Fig. 1.2 Name Card Progress 
After receiving feedback from Ms. Lillian, I tried adjusting the two I chose to fit the design and finally made the mockup.
Fig. 1.2 Name Card  mockup
  • Letterhead and Continuation
For my letterhead and continuation, I think they reflect the least part of our design because they are more formal. When designing, I tried to use the pattern designed by the previous task to add it to make it less serious. I also designed two types of letterheads with different colors to see which type of layout is suitable.

Fig. 1.3 Letterhead and Continuation
  • Invoice
When designing the invoice, I mistakenly thought of the invoice as a receipt. So when I was designing, I designed it in a concise way, missing a lot of important information. At Ms. Lilian's suggestion, he thought that the invoice was printed on white paper with black text so if my design had white patterns and red text it would affect the final effect, so I ended up changing some colors. Also, when designing the brand logo in task 2, I did not indicate that the logo and the name logo can be separated, so the design on the left cannot be established.
Fig.1.4 Invoice  Progress

Fig. 1.2 Invoice  Progress 2
  •  Envelope
Inspired by envelopes designed on Pinterest, I designed two envelopes incorporating previously designed patterns and the brand’s logo and basic contact information.

Fig. 1.3 Envelope  Progress 
  • Menu
Of course, a coffee shop must have the most basic menu so that customers can know what we sell. When I started to conceive of the brand, I wanted to sell categories such as desserts and coffee drinks. I designed this menu as a small menu placed on the desktop, so the categories are the most basic categories rather than all categories.

Fig. 1.4 menu  Progress 
  • Sticker
For my stickers I used the brand Cherry, a previously designed pattern that makes up this set of stickers.
Fig. 1.5 sticker  Progress 

Fig. 1.6 sticker  Progress 2
  • T-shirt
Fig. 1.7 T-shirt  Progress
  • Takeaway bag
Fig. 1.8 Bag Progress

Digital Presence
  • Instagram
Fig. 1.9 Instagram post
  • Website
I am seeking for some inspiration in figma as I am accustomed to layout since I am developing a web page.
Fig. 1.10 website design

Fig. 1.10 website design
Final Submission


Fig. 2.1 name card (front)
Fig. 2.2 name card (back)
Fig. 2.3 Letter Head

Fig. 2.4 Letter Head (with mockup writing)

Fig 2.5 Letter Head (continuation)

Fig 2.6 Envelope

Fig 2.7 Sticker

Fig 2.8 T-shirt (front)

Fig 2.9 T-shirt (back)

Fig 2.10 Menu

Fig 2.11 Takeaway bag


Week 7
Redefine vision and mission

Week 8 
Independent Learning Week 

Week 9
Requires completion of environmental graphics, website and social media presence


I had a great time with this challenge. I love making business cards and other marketing collateral to be highly intriguing, even if I occasionally get confused while developing things, especially invoices. This task offered me a lot, though it was difficult and time-sensitive. I particularly learnt to think of my brand rather than just myself. All in all, this was one of the most pleasurable tasks I have ever completed.

I was able to grasp many approaches and ways of thinking by browsing Pinterest and other people's work. I learned how to maintain the brand's general consistency by seeing how they used certain aspects to highlight their brand. This is a subdued yet efficient method of instruction that points me in the correct path.

I believe that a company's overall look plays a big role in defining its image. During my initial session, Ms. Lilian's remarks encouraged me to concentrate on the style of my brand. This project emphasises how crucial it is to keep your brand image constant.