TASK 3 (Design)

Week 05 – Week 07
Lee Jia Rou / 0363293
Design Principles GCD60804/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
TASK 3 (Design)

Module booklet for this module: 

✧✧TASK 3 (Design)✧✧

After analyzing the design of choice artwork in Task 2, in task 3 we will produce a artwork that  inspired/influenced by the artwork in Task 2 that had analyzed, or as a reaction to it.
We are required do:
  • find some visual references (cite the sources) that inspire your own ideas
  • 3-5 sketches (manual/digital) of your own ideas
  • final design in A4 size, JPEG
  • write a rationale, in about 150-200 words, explaining/defending the decisions made in your design, the meaning/purpose of the design and the design principles that are found in the design.

> Visual references
I searched Pinterest for images of zero hunger and education before beginning the sketch. The first image illustrates how knowledge may transform a person. In the second, you open a book and step into a different universe. The third is a cross between a fork and the hand of a hungry guy pleading. The fourth is that while those at the bottom of the food chain are hungry, affluent people squander food.

Fig 1.1 Reference 1 

Fig 1.2 Reference 2

Fig 1.3 Reference 3

Fig 1.4 Reference 4

> Sketches
I created three drafts using the previous reference as my guide. Knowledge is rich, which served as motivation for the first. I see books as a kind of soil on which plants may thrive if they have access to abundant resources. The plants in the book are plants that contain starch, the most necessary nutrients for people.

Fig 2.1 Sketch 1(week5)
The second sketch was inspired by the previous reference picture 3, I combined the shape of a begging hand with a skeleton hand with a bowl of food underneath. Indicates a person who lacks food.
Fig 2.2 Sketch 2(week5)
The inspiration for the third sketch comes from the previous reference picture 2. The part of the corn close to the book is plump and juicy, and the part outside the book is small, which means that knowledge changes the food we get, and knowledge changes the world.
Fig 2.3 Sketch 3(week5)
Upon completion of my sketches, Dr. Charles recommended that I incorporate a collage design into the final artwork. Consequently, I found many magazines and cut out several fascinating pages. Since I was unsure of which parts needed, I started by looking for certain characters before locating one who was hiding behind a fence. To create contrast and balance in the artwork, I also use several eye and mouth styles.
       Fig 3.1 cut out page                                                 Fig 3.2 cut out page
       Fig 3.3 cut out page                                                 Fig 3.4 cut out page
       Fig 3.5 cut out page                                                 Fig 3.6 cut out page
    Fig 3.7 cut out page                                                 Fig 3.8 cut out page
    Fig 3.9 cut out element                                        Fig 3.10 Magazine used  
Fig 3.11 Progress 1 (Week6)

Fig 3.12 Progress 2 (Week6)
>Final Design
 Education and ending hunger are the themes of the artwork. Through taking part in sustainable farming methods, learning of knowledge and skills necessary to get employment and generate money, and provision of basic essentials for survival, the artwork seeks to emphasize the significance of education. A person's perspectives can be expanded and he can avoid being a victim of life's hardships by getting an education.

 In this design piece, I found an interesting image of a person behind a grid fence that made me feel trapped. After that, I put my lips and arms around the apple to give the impression of jumping out of the cage rather than being restrained by clothes or food. The eyes also symbolize openness, and the apple just held symbolizes curiosity for new things and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Vision, because knowledge enables the perception of a unique universe. The article states that "education" is the main goal of this work. I accidentally spliced ​​the fragrance on the arm into the work to show the character's desire for the outside world. 

The backdrop color pays emphasis to the important details, while the contrasting colors on the apples and lips catch the viewer's eye. The artwork's elements are harmonious because they are arranged in accordance with the golden ratio.

Fig 4.1 Final outcome (Week7)

Fig 4.1 Final outcome PDF (Week7)

Week 6
I created three sketches this week. I wanted to use education to prevent hunger, so I combined food, books, and bones to represent my ideas. However, Dr. Charles pointed out that my ideas were very similar to those found online, so he advised me to think creatively and notice that education is more than just books and that there may be more interesting things in store for us in the future. In order to make the artwork more fascinating, he also advised me to put collage into the finished piece.

Week 7
Last week, I looked into finding collage components that would symbolize knowledge and hunger lessness. We can see the character's hands and eyeballs moving out of the cage, providing the impression that they are freed from the hungry jail, therefore the term "escape" may be eliminated.