TASK 2 (Visual Analysis)

Week 3 – Week 5
Lee Jia Rou / 0363293
Design Principles GCD60804/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

TASK 2 (Visual Analysis)

Module booklet for this module: 

Visual Analysis

"Eve" Washington, 2022
Made for Street Art Mankind and the project Zero Hunger Murals.
Mission of United Nations Food Program and DDOTDC.

This piece of art's color scheme might express a certain feeling or idea. Bright colors, for instance, could represent energy, even with calm or darker hues might suggest gloom or introspection. The way that pieces are arranged, and space is used in the artwork can have an impact on how viewers interact with it. It may have character in the center, or it might have different things surrounding her. Overall, the artwork represents a thought-provoking piece that combines visual elements with symbolism to convey a powerful message about humanity, society, and the world we live in.(96words)

Through its subject matter, color scheme, and composition, the artwork might achieve harmony and unity. Brightly colored representations of Eve's figure can act as a focal point, bringing the composition's different visual elements together. A clear and harmonic composition can be achieved by balancing various parts within the overall composition. The artwork might utilize the use of contrast to draw the eye and draw attention to important details. This might be using contrasting hues, textures, or forms to highlight Eve as the main character or certain symbolic elements in the composition. Light and shadow contrasts can also improve the artwork's three-dimensionality and depth.(103words)

This is a wall paint curated by Street Art for Mankind (SAM) and created by Spanish artist Lula Goce. After combining the artist's other works, I found that the artist likes to use sketching techniques to outline the shadows and highlights of the characters to express a three-dimensional effect, but he also incorporates the bright colors of the background to attract people to his paintings at once. I found that this style is a very new style and there is very little information about this style in historical records. I found a similar style painting (pic A), which is similar to the style of murals about the black power movement. This is a political work of art for black liberation.(120words)
Lula Goce anther artwork, "Nature" 2019 Strasburg, Virginia, USA

Picture A, Mural by various artists of the Organization of Black American Culture led by William Walker, photograph by Robert A. Sengstacke(
1967-1971),Medium paint on masonryChicago.

Zero Hunger. (n.d.). https://streetartmankind.org/zero-hunger/

Wall of Respect. (2023, September 9). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_of_Respect