Illustration And Visual Narrative_Project 1

7/4/2023 - 28/4/2023 
Week 1 - Week 4
Lee Jia Rou (0363293)
Illustration And Visual Narrative 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1

Exercise 1: Vormator character
Exercise 2: Illustrated typography 


 ✧✧Instructions ✧✧
✧✧Lecture ✧✧
Week 1
Intro Pen Tool
Mr. Hafiz briefly introduced the module manual and introduced the pen tool of Adobe Illustrator. We also played the Bezier curve game to learn the pen tool.

Week 2 
Character Design. Shapes, Shape Builder, blob brush, Pathfinder.

We started our first exercise by learning how to use pen tools and other shapes to vector out the given shape. This exercise  help us master up the tools in AI. 

Week 3 
We were introduced to Color, Gradient, Pattern and Texture

Week 4
Illustrated Type
Type (outlined), Pencil Tool, Shaper tool, Width Tool
-Text Tool
-Create outline
-Pencil and Smooth Tool
-Shaper Tool
-Joining Paths
-Width Tool/Converting a Line to a Path
we also start choosing words for exercise 2 by using random word generator.
Week 05 
Image Trace, 3D
rainbow exercise 
flora exercise 

✧✧Exercise 1: Vormator character✧✧

Design and create ONE unique character by using the given sets of shapes with Adobe Illustrator (Ai).
-Can rotate, flip and duplicate the shapes
-Not obliged to use all the shapes
-Can scale size, but only proportionally
-No skewing or free transform
-No altering the original shapes
-Can add, subtract, intersect and group elements as you see fit
-Unlimited colour use
-Can use gradients and texture
-No background
given shape
week 2 vector
outline of vector 
Final outcome-
final Vormator
final outline

✧✧Exercise 2: Illustrated Type✧✧
Continuing your Ai tools mastery, design and create an aesthetically pleasing illustrated typography by using words generated from the Pictionary Generator:

-The illustrations and words complement each other
-The design makes sense
-Use non-decorative fonts as the base of the design

random word choose 

work in progress
work in progress outline 
Final outcome-

final Illustrated Type
final Illustrated Type outline