Digital Photography and Imaging __Week 5

Lee Jia Rou (0363293)
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group 1 SEC 1
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Week 5

Basic Photograph Shooting 
1. Digital Photography 
2. Intro to lighting and types
3. Lighting Do’s & Don’ts

Exposure Setting 
-In photography, exposure is the amount of light which reaches your camera sensor or film.

The main parts of the camera: 
Camera body:
    ~Image sensor
    ~LCD screen
Camera lens:
    ~Aperture/ Iris
The camera body is a light proof box.
-control the flow of light entering the lens.
-measured by f-stop, indicated by sequence of f-number: f/1, f/1.4, f/2 , f/ 2.8, f/ 4, f/ 5.6, f/ 8, f/ 11, f/ 16, f/22 , f/32..
(The lower the f-number, the larger the lens opening.)
-a small plastic sheet that opens and closes to allow light onto the film or prevent light from reaching the film. 

Shutter speed
-measured in seconds: 1/1000 s,1/500 s,1/250 s,1/125 s,1/60 s,1/30 s,1/15 s,1/8 s,1/4 s,1/2 s,1 s, 2 s, 3 s…
-Originally referred to the sensitivity of film—it's "light gathering" ability. For digital photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity—the signal gain—of the camera's sensor.
-The common ISO camera settings are: 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400….
(The lower the number of ISO the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain. )
Different lenses are designed for different for different purposes. Lenses can be categorized by FOCAL LENGTH.
Focal Length
-The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view and vice-versa. 
Depth of field 
-The proportion of the image that is reasonably sharp and in focus.
-The smaller the aperture you use, the greater the depth of field.

This video shows several interesting photography methods that people without professional camera equipment might use to get started. Light is the most important element of photography, and clearly, everything can be captured with light.

PROJECT 1B - PART 1: Hearst Mansion
1.Follow the step-by-step video to edit it in photoshop:
2. Download the images here:


Based on SHAZAM exercise, create the same steps and insert your own photo to replace the SHAZAM’s layer by following these steps:

1.Take a photo of yourself using the right lighting techniques
2.Apply the Shazam’s exercise techniques
3.Replace the Shazam’s layer with YOUR OWN PHOTO
4.Apply suitable Color Correction to finalize your work
Frist, I take different post of some photo of myself using my camera. After that, I crop my choose photo with quick selection tool and refine it in the select and mask section. Then I past the crop picture of me and put it in the background photo of Mearst mansion vision and adjust the color and lightness to match the background. Also, I added some shadow and reflection.